A number of key points are summarised below:
1. Application for 100+ Residential/Student Accommodation Units: Applications for development of 100 or more houses or student accommodation units (or the amendment of an existing planning permission where the proposed amendments relate to 100 or more houses or student accommodation units) including houses or student accommodation units and a mixture other uses where the cumulative gross floor area of the houses or student accommodation units comprises no less than eighty five per cent of the proposed development’s gross floor space and whereby other uses do not cumulatively exceed 1,500 square metres gross floor space shall be made to An Bord Pleanála (ABP) and not to a Planning Authority (PA). Pre-planning consultation will have to be held with both the Planning Authority and An Bord Pleanála.
2. Second Extension of Duration for Substantial Works: The Bill also facilitates a second Extension of Duration application for developments of 20+ residential units where substantial works have been completed.
We are advised that the legislation is due to be adopted in December.